Frequently Asked Questions

Medical billing is an ever changing industry. In an effort to offer medical practitioners a 'stream line' medical billing and claims filing process for their office. The savings of outsourcing your medical billing is reflected directly on your bottom line. Not having to incur the expense of vacation, sick and overtime pay far outweighs the cost of outsourcing you medical billing and claims processing.

Below, you will find some of the most commonly questions pertaining to medical billing as well as questions that relate to the cost effectiveness of outsourcing your medical billing.


Do you file medical claims electronically?
We have the ability to file most major carrier medical claims electronically. However, we will drop to paper when mandated by a specific carrier. We also bill secondary as well as third party carrier medical claims.

How secure is electronic filing?
It is without a doubt the most secure way to file such delicate information. All medical billing claims are encrypted and encoded three times prior to being sent to a medical billing claims processing clearinghouse. Where at their end they are encrypted and encoded three more times before their final destination at the insurance carriers’ system.

What are your office hours?
Our office hours are 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. Use our online form to: Contact Executive Billing Services at: or 734-777-3324

Executive Billing Services, LLC is 100% HIPAA compliant.
Visit our Resources page for more information relating to HIPPA.

How do you receive patient information?
We can receive all patient information via email, fax, phone or US Mail. Whichever is most convenient for your staff as well as cost effective.